In this day and age with the economy the way it is and everyone being out of work, we need to be able to procure products as cheap as we can to save money. When I say cheap, I mean as cheap as it gets, FREE.
I have committed myself to searching the web to find free deals and pass the information on to you. I enjoy researching and I know not everyone as the time to do the research themselves, especially if you are out there working your behind off trying to make ends meet. So, I want to share these deals with you when I find them. I am going to try to post at least one freebie everyday. I have found ebooks, food products, health products, classes, services and more to share with you. If you have any suggestions for freebies to share please email me me at
I will not be posting any freebies that require signing up for special promotions or that require credit card numbers. Only completely free offers (if an offer charges shipping but is a very good offer, I might consider it, but I want to keep this site completely free). There are so many sites out there that offer freebies and then they require you to fill out sponsor offers and ask for your credit card. Others have free offers but are actually limited time trial offers that you must sign up for and cancel before the trial period is over. I will not be sharing those kind of offers. I want true free offers. But I want to be truly honest with you, some offers might have you fill out short questionnaires but they require no other actions from you.
So please enjoy the freebies and come back often to see what I have scrounged up for all of us.
Todays Free offers
2 Free energy efficient light bulbs
Free Purex Sample